Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Físeán Treanála/ Training Video

Seo físeán gearr den seisiún treanála a rinne muid san aclann leis na leaids an lá faoi dheireadh. Agus iad i gcroílár an séasiúir imirthe, tá meascán cleachtaí sa seisiún, tá an déine ard, agus tá an seisiún gearr. Measaim gur leor seisiún amháin mar seo gach seachtain i rith an séasiúir leis an ineall a choinneáil ag dul. Deanann na leaids sisieiún téarnaimh amháin sa tseachtain chomh maith taobh amuigh den treanáil foirne. Bain sult!

Here is a short videom from one of our training sessions in the gym last week. As the lads are in the middle of their playing season, there is a mixture of exercises in this session, the intensity is high, and the session is short. One session like this per week is enough to keep the engines ticking over without tiring the lads out for games and team sessions. The lads get one recovery session in per week as well outside of their team sessions. Enjoy!

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